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NZOH - Ohakea


Position Name Shortcode Callsign Frequency Login ID Usage
Ohakea SMC GOH Ohakea Ground 122.100 NZOH_GND Secondary
Ohakea ADC TOH Ohakea Tower 134.500 NZOH_TWR Primary


The Ohakea CTR follows the lateral boundaries as shown below from SFC to A025, and is designated as Class D airspace.

Ohakea Tower Control Zone

Ohakea Control Zone (CTR)

Areas of Resposibility

Ohakea areas of responsibility

Ohakea Areas of Responsibility

Control Positions


IFR Clearances

Controllers shall assign SIDs as suggested by the client. The OH#S and OH#R departures may be issued on request from an aircraft. An assigned heading shall be coordinated with OTMA where applicable.

Start up and Taxi

All departing VFR and IFR aircraft require start clearance.

All fixed wing aircraft shall be issued taxi clearance to a full length holding point, unless an intersection departure is requested by the pilot.


For all circuit traffic - jet aircraft shall fly the circuit at A017, and all other aircraft shall fly the circuit at A012.

VFR Procedures

Departures and Arrivals

Miliary VFR flights arriving or departing the CTR/D shall be cleared via Transit South, or Transit North. Plain language may be issued to Military VFR aircraft where needed and shall be issued to all civillian aircraft.


VFR Helicopter traffic shall be issued a Helo Departure based on their direction of flight and where they are located on the aerodrome.

Helicopter traffic may operate in Southfield at any time.


OTMA shall coordinate any non-nominated approaches with TOH. Note - Military aircraft will often fly an approach for a non-nominated runway, then circle to land the nominated runway.

TOH shall coordinate all IFR departures with OTMA for a radar release, as well as an assigned heading where applicable.